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Change Models Door Mind Map: Change Models

1. Lewin's Theory

1.1. 1. Disconfirmation

1.2. 2.Guilt and/or Anxiety

1.3. 3.Safety

1.4. 4. Cognition

1.4.1. 1. Semantic Redefinition

1.4.2. 2. Cognitive Broadening

1.4.3. 3. New Standards

1.5. 5.Imitation

1.6. 6. Scanning

1.7. 7. Refreezing

2. SCM- Stages of Change Model

2.1. Precontemplation

2.2. Contemplation

2.3. Preperation

2.4. Action

2.5. Mainteance

2.6. Relapse

3. Kotter's

3.1. 1. Urgency

3.2. 2. Coalition

3.3. 3. Vision

3.4. 4. Communicate

3.5. 5. Obstacles

3.6. 6. Goals

3.7. 7. Build

3.8. 8. Anchor