Edgar Allan Poe

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Edgar Allan Poe Door Mind Map: Edgar Allan Poe

1. The Raven - He hears a knock at the door and assumes that there is a visitor, and doesn't answer because of his sorrow.

2. Annabel Lee - The last poem Poe wrote, is about the death of a woman whom he has fallen in love with.

3. Important Works:

4. Alone - The poem is about how Poe was always different from the others, and he never really fit in with them.

5. Why is he famous?

6. Edgar Allan Poe is a famous author, poet, editor and literary critic. He was also associate with the American Romantic Movement. He was mostly known for his stories of mystery and horror. He was considered as the inventor of detective- fiction genre. His best known fiction works were about Gothic and dealt with themes with decomposition, concerns of premature burial, reanimation of the dead, and mourning. But became famous for his popular poems “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee.”

7. Video of The Raven (Simpsons Version) http://www.teachertube.com/video/the-raventhe-simpsons-version-251203

8. Early Life

9. Edgar was born in Boston on January 19,1809. Poe had two other siblings Henry and Rosalie. Poe’s mother, Elizabeth, separated from her husband and took her children with her. Elizabeth died when Poe was two. Poe was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan. Henry lived with Poe’s grandparents and Rosalie was adopted by another family. Poe went to school in England, and learned Latin, French, math, and history. When Poe went to America he attend the University of of Virginia in 1876 when he was 17. His dad was good successful merchant but he only gave Poe a third of what he needed. Even though Poe was good in Latin and French, he started to drink and became in debt. He quit school less than a year later.

10. Writing Career

11. Poe went to New York where he had some of his poetry published. He submitted stories to many types of magazines but they rejected them. Poe was struggling with no job and no money. Then he finally got a job as an editor of a newspaper. He jumped from job to job writing stories that they published in magazines.Some of the things he wrote were published but he was still struggling with money. He did later marry his cousin, Virginia. They did have kids together. On October 3rd, he was taking to the hospital. He was coming in and out of consciousness. He died October 7, 1849.

12. Citations

13. Giordano, Robert. "A short biography of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)." 27 June 2005. 8 March 2007 <http://www.poestories.com/biography.php> "The Raven: The Simpsons Version ." TeacherTube. N.p., 2012. Web. 12 Sept. 2014. <http://www.teachertube.com/video/the-raventhe-simpsons-version-251203 >. "Edgar Allan Poe." 2014. The Famous People website. Sep 15 2014, 12:02 http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/edgar-allan-poe-169.php. Read more at http://www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/edgar-allan-poe-169.php#simCrBlxumuAMXVZ.99