2034: Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss t...

Roy B
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2034: Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future Door Mind Map: 2034: Change is the law of life. Those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future

1. Lifestyle

1.1. Lazy luxury

1.1.1. Autonomous vehicles

1.1.2. Remote controlled living

1.2. Goods purchasing

1.2.1. No tangible money

1.2.2. 3D simulated webshops

1.3. Food

1.3.1. Flavour vs. Experience Masterchefs 5 senses challenge

1.3.2. Fusion of kitchens

2. Environment

2.1. Water

2.1.1. Seawater treatment

2.1.2. Self-sufficient islands

2.2. Durability

2.2.1. Plant-energy

2.2.2. Moleculary recycling

2.3. Agriculture

2.3.1. Climate independent crops

2.3.2. Biomodification

3. Politics

3.1. Dividence

3.1.1. Modern warfare

3.1.2. Isolation population groups

3.2. Privacy

3.2.1. Client profiling technology

3.2.2. Paranoia

3.3. Income tax revision

3.3.1. Rich vs. poor

3.3.2. Communist ideology

4. Music

4.1. Videoclips

4.1.1. 3D-clips

4.1.2. Sattelite images

4.2. Performance

4.2.1. Non-physical presence

4.2.2. Hi-tech lasershows

4.3. Sound

4.3.1. Futuristic sound creations

4.3.2. Voice-amplifier

5. Technology

5.1. Gadgets

5.1.1. Google Contacts

5.1.2. 3 Senses television

5.2. Time travel

5.2.1. Particle acceleration

5.2.2. Wormhole exploration

5.3. Controlled health

5.3.1. Stamcell transplantation

5.3.2. Neurolinguistic programming