English Language Abitur Training Course (Online Teacher's Edition)

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English Language Abitur Training Course (Online Teacher's Edition) Door Mind Map: English Language Abitur Training Course (Online Teacher's Edition)

1. Learning Outcomes

1.1. Media Literacy

1.1.1. Understand basic concepts of Media Literacy and its importance in modern classrooms.

1.1.2. Learn and practice basic basic tools for analyzing media for learning.

1.2. Media Image and Identity

1.2.1. Understand the basic concepts for analyzing portrayal of Image and Identity in Media (e.g. race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural and subcultural groups, etc.)

1.2.2. Analyze the required curriculum film "Crash" (2004).

1.3. Media Literacy and Literature

1.3.1. Understand how to blend media literacy and literature studies in the classroom.

1.3.2. Analyze the required curriculum novel "Half Broke Horses" (2009).

1.3.3. Explore concepts of U.S. Western Expansion and images of the "Frontier" (and myths) as it relates to the study of Med. Lit. and HBH.

1.4. Monologue

1.4.1. Understand best practice methods for preparing their students for the Abitur 5 min. monologue test.

2. Description

2.1. The purpose of this course is to provide much needed training for high school (gymnasium) teachers on the recently updated English curriculum for the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. The new theme, "Challenges and Choices in an Insecure World," includes analysis of the novel "Half Broke Horses" (2009), and of the film "Crash" (2004). Other topics include "Media Literacy" for the classroom and how to best prepare students for the 5 minute monologue section of their graduation exam (called the Abitur).

3. Assessment Strategies

3.1. Reflective

3.1.1. All participants will be required to have a blog (e.g. edublogs.com) and write a weekly reflection about the week's media, reading, topics, or assignments.

3.2. Collaborative

3.2.1. The will be a major group assignment in the middle of the course where the participants will have to create a collection of sample lessons related to media literacy and the classroom.

3.3. Portfolios

3.3.1. As a part of their blog all participants will be encouraged to keep a collection of lesson ideas for future use.

3.4. Test

3.4.1. There will be one final (timed) exam where student will view a piece of media and write a thoughtful analysis with suggested classroom applications.

4. Teaching Methods/Tools

4.1. ILIAS will be used the deliver this course (a German version of open source e-learning software comparable to MOODLE, standard in most Universities.)

4.2. YouTube. I will use to broadcast weekly summary videos recored every week.

4.3. Multimedia presentation software (e.g. Prezi, Powtoons, etc.) will also be used intermittently to present lessons and learning materials.

5. Gamification

5.1. Immersive Experience

5.1.1. We could host a few classes in a 3D virtual environment like similar to OQ or Second Life, Mine Craft, etc..

5.2. Media Literacy, Literature, and Gaming

5.2.1. Use selected lesson from the Coursera course, "Online Games: Literature, New Media, and Narrative", to teach how gaming is an important part of media literacy.

5.3. Competition and Reward

5.3.1. Encourage excellent work by offering to publish the best group project in a popular education blog or other related publication.