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Nation-State Door Mind Map: Nation-State

1. Nation

2. A nation is a group of people unified by common factors such as language, culture, ethnicity, religion and geography. We have nations because people need to have a sense of belonging, a national identity.

3. A nation state is a country that has borders and a political system. We have nation states to outline where a country is.

4. National Identity

4.1. National identity can been influenced by geography because it affects what activities one may choose and how one could see their nation state.

4.1.1. In Spain the people have been affected by politics and economics because it has shaped their past and the way they were raised. In Spain they promote their national identity through sports, cultural events, and also how they act in international situations.

4.1.2. The way an individual could promote their national identity is in the way they dress, talk and share their opinions about different issues, and also the activities one could take part in

4.2. When there is more than one people group within a nation state there will always be different opinions on nationalism. However, currently in Spain there is no active separatist movements as pain is their own country already. For example, Quebec wants to break away from Canada, and there is no movements such as that in Spain at the moment.