Women in advertising

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Women in advertising Door Mind Map: Women in advertising

1. Statistiques

1.1. 69% of girls in one study said that magazine models influence their idea of the perfect body shape

1.2. 44% of women who are average or underweight think that they are overweight

1.3. In a study 47% of girls were influenced by magazine pictures to want to lose weight, but only 29% were actually overweight

2. Relations to sociology

2.1. In Western culture, advertisements are viewed daily and in these ads women are portrayed in unrealistic ways. Most ads expose women who are very thin and attractive.

2.2. The obsession of staying thin comes from comparison theory, where people look at others and determine who is in the better state of attractiveness.

2.3. The major issue is that girls take this image seriously and can lead to bigger problems like eating disorders. Eating disorders such as, anorexia and bulimia can cause many severe health problems from rapid weight loss and poor nutrition.

3. Stereotypes

3.1. Traditional roles (dependent and housewives)

3.2. Non-traditional roles (non-traditional activities, career oriented women and voices of authority)

3.3. Women in decorative roles (concerned with physical attractiveness and sex objects)

3.4. Neutral roles (portrayed as equal to men)

4. History



4.3. Video