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1. Deindividuation-the loss of self-awareness and self-restraint occurring in group situations that foster arousal and anonymity.

1.1. When he was in the locker room, he was surrounded by his friends. The one lone guy was standing by himself and minding his own business, but since Andrew was in a group he decided to attack the guy and beat him up because he felt a less guilty and more aroused. The rest of the group surrounded him, and it made him feel less responsibility. If Andrew was by himself, he would not have attacked the kid.

2. The ID a reservoir of unconscious psychic energy that operates on the pleasure principle, demanding immediate gratification. The ego operates on the reality principle, and seeks to gratify the id’s impulses in realistic ways that will bring long-term pleasure. The superego represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgment (the conscience) and for future aspirations. It produces positive feelings of pride or negative feelings of guilt.

2.1. This applies to Andrew when he tapes the boy in the locker room. Andrew's ID wanted him to do it because his friends would laugh and think he was cool and the story would impress his father, bringing him gratification. Andrew's ego would want him to leave the boy alone and do something else instead that would impress his friends and father. For example, Andrew could wrestle his wrestling coach to show his strength and skill, which would release his violent tension and impress his peers. Andrew's superego is responsible for the guilty feelings Andrew feels for the boy he harassed and taped because Andrew knows it was wrong and was poor judgement.

3. External Locus of Control- the perception that chance or outside forces beyond your personal control determine your fate

3.1. Andrew constantly talks about how his life is not in his control, and others decide for him. He says that his dad forces him to be a wrestler and the school forces him to keep his act together. He is convinced that other people control him and his every move, and that he is not his own person.

4. Type A personality is one who is aggressive, impatient, or competitve.

4.1. In the start of the movie, Andrew seems to have a type A personality. He is aggressive towards John. We see this type of behavior when Andrew is willing to wrestle John.

5. Self-concept is all thoughts and feelings about ourselves.

5.1. Andrew seemed to form his self-concept off of what his Dad wants him to be. Andrew sees himself as a champion wrestler. Andrew has formed his self-concept due to his hobbies and what his dad thinks of him.

6. Displacement- The defense mechanism displacement involves involves taking out our frustrations, feelings, and impulses on people or objects that are less threatening.

6.1. Andrew Clark has an uneasy relationship with his father. His dad expects him to be the best at all times, and it is really hard to deal with. Because of this Andrew dislikes his father a lot. As much as he wants tell his father off or fight his father he knows that his dad has more power than him, so he cannot do that. Instead, he takes out his anger of his dad on kids who are weaker than him. In that process he beat up that kid in the locker room, because the kid was weaker and he wanted to get his anger out.

7. Unconditional Positive Regard is the basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does.

7.1. Andrew's father wants him to wrestle and be the "cool, tough guy". His Dad does not like when Andrew wants to do something other than wrestle or acts wimpy. Andrew's father does not accept the other possible aspirations Andrew may have, leading Andrew to act like the stereotypical jock that his Dad was. Furthermore, Andrew harasses a weaker student in the locker room because his Dad would approve of it and if someone else had harassed the weaker student and Andrew stood up for him, then his Dad would not have been accepting of Andrew's actions to not go along with his friends.

8. Social Norms are an understood and expected appropriate behavior for every social group.

8.1. This applies to Andrew with his friends. Andrew is a wrestler and is a part of the jock clique, which means he is stereotyped to act cool, not hang out with nerds, party and be confident. He also dresses a certain way that his whole group dresses like (i.e. Athletic jackets, sweatshirts, man tanks).