How to Plan a Good Art Project

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How to Plan a Good Art Project Door Mind Map: How to Plan a Good Art Project

1. Get necessary art supplies

1.1. Check what you need for your project

1.1.1. i.e. pencils, paint, types of paper, etc.

1.2. If there are supplies that aren't provided by your teacher, go to a craft store

1.2.1. Michael's and JoAnn's are great craft stores that have a wide variety of supplies and offer coupons regularly

1.3. Gather all your supplies together and keep them organized in a designated space, like a pencil box

2. Brainstorm

2.1. Think about what type of project you want to do

2.1.1. What types of mediums you want to use i.e. pencils, watercolors, clay, glass, etc.

2.1.2. What themes you want to follow

2.2. Keep time frames in mind- Don't try to do a project that will take a month when you have a two-week period to do it

2.3. Research different types of mediums to see which you want to work with

3. Think outside of the box

3.1. Try to aim for something original!

3.1.1. Doing types of projects that have been done before is fine, but creativity is encouraged

3.2. Put your own creative twist on it

3.2.1. If you know that someone in your class is doing a certain project, try to pick something different

3.3. Take pride in your work