Using Brain Science for Marketing: Rational vs Intuitive Consumer Model

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Using Brain Science for Marketing: Rational vs Intuitive Consumer Model Door Mind Map: Using Brain Science for Marketing: Rational vs Intuitive Consumer Model

1. Overview

1.1. Traditional marketing is often based on a rational consumer model

1.1.1. this views the consumer as persuadable by rational arguments and consciously aware of what drives his purchase decisions.

1.2. However, brain science research has demonstrated that an intuitive consumer model provides a more realistic picture of how consumers actually decide and buy.

1.3. This map presents the key differences between these two models

2. Rational Consumer Model

2.1. Information about brands and products drives purchase decisions.

2.2. Factual information can be retrieved by the consumer, completely and accurately.

2.3. Preferences are determined rationally.

2.3.1. They’re clear, unambiguous, and enduring.

2.4. A cost-benefit calculation is made to make a purchase decision at the point of sale.

2.5. Preferences can only be changed by presenting new information.

2.6. Marketing and advertising communications are messages that deliver rational, logical arguments about brands and products.

2.7. Marketing and communications influence consumers by providing logical arguments that are consciously remembered at the point of sale.

3. Intuitive Consumer Model

3.1. Habit, experience, and emotional cues provide shortcuts to making decisions.

3.2. Feelings about products and brands are the main memories retrieved by consumers

3.2.1. facts are remembered sporadically and often incorrectly.

3.3. Preferences are rarely the products of careful logical analysis.

3.3.1. More often, they’re inferred from the consumer’s behavior, rather than the other way around.

3.4. Most purchase decisions are made spontaneously and without much conscious deliberation at the point of sale.

3.5. Product and brand preferences can be changed by changing the situation within which the consumer is shopping.

3.6. Marketing and advertising primarily influence consumers in nonconscious ways.

3.6.1. At a conscious level, consumers believe ads and marketing have no effect on them.

3.7. The primary way that advertising influences the consumer is indirectly, through repetitive association of the advertised brand or product with positive themes and images.

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