properties of fluid

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properties of fluid Door Mind Map: properties of fluid

1. to flow

2. specific weight,w = weight/volume = density x acc. due to gravity

3. Specific gravity,S = w of fluid/w of Specific fluid

4. Density,p = mass/volume

5. Specific volume = volume/mass

5.1. Destinations

6. Viscosity

6.1. resistance to movement of one layer of fluid over another adjacent layer of fluid

6.2. c = u du/dy

6.2.1. du/dy = rate of shear strain or velocity gradient

6.2.2. c = shear stress on any fluid element layer

6.2.3. u = viscosity

6.3. kinematic viscosity,v = u/p

6.4. Newton's law of viscosity

6.4.1. Newtonian fluid , obeys Newton's law of viscosity

6.4.2. Non- newtonian fluid doesn't obey newton's law of viscosity

6.5. Variation with Temperature

6.5.1. u (for gases) increases wd temp. because of molecular momentum transfer

6.5.2. u (for liquids) decreases wd temp. because of cohesive forces