Learning Ruby on Rails

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Learning Ruby on Rails Door Mind Map: Learning Ruby on Rails

1. Casts

1.1. Pod

1.1.1. Rails Podcast

1.2. Screen

1.2.1. Railscasts

1.2.2. rubyonrails.org

1.2.3. SD Ruby

1.3. Learning Rails

2. General

2.1. rubyonrails.org

2.2. ruby-lang.org

3. Util

3.1. InstantRails

3.2. Ruby Quiz

3.3. Try Ruby!

4. Doc

4.1. Ruby Core Reference

4.2. Ruby Standard Library Reference

4.3. Ruby-Doc

5. Books

5.1. Programming Ruby

5.2. Agile Web Development with Rails

5.3. Learning Ruby

5.4. The Rails Way

5.5. Head First Rails

6. IDEs

6.1. Aptana RadRails 2

6.2. NetBeans

6.3. Aptana Studio 3 Beta

6.4. RubyMine

7. Blogs

7.1. BetterExplained

7.1.1. Starting Ruby on Rails: What I Wish I Knew

7.2. Robert Sosinski

7.3. AkitaOnRails

7.4. Ruby Inside

7.4.1. En

7.4.2. Pt-BR

7.5. Plataforma

7.6. Rails Inside

7.7. Engine Yard

7.8. Weblog RoR

7.9. Yehuda Katz

8. Tutorials

8.1. Ruby

8.1.1. JavaPassion

8.1.2. Mr. Neighborly's Humble Little Ruby Book

8.1.3. Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby

8.1.4. Learn to Program

8.2. Rails

8.2.1. Nettuts+

8.2.2. Rails Guides

8.2.3. Desenvolvimento Ágil para Web 2.0