unit 12: AGENDAS. 12.1. Attending meeting.

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unit 12: AGENDAS. 12.1. Attending meeting. Door Mind Map: unit 12: AGENDAS.      12.1. Attending meeting.

1. for a meeting must take into account.

1.1. minutes

1.2. Agenda.

1.3. time

1.4. participation

1.5. items to deal with

2. in the place where a meeting is conducted must have.

2.1. chairs.

2.2. table.

2.3. paper.

2.4. computer.

2.5. water.

2.6. pen.

3. places where you cant conduct meeting.

3.1. office.

3.2. rented halls

3.3. hotels.

3.4. restaurants.