Planning for Learning

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Planning for Learning Door Mind Map: Planning for Learning

1. Objective 1: Review the reciprocal impact resulting from early European contact with indigenous peoples

1.1. Big Idea: Columbian Exchange

1.1.1. Scaffolding strategy: Explanations The Explanation scaffolding strategy was chosen because at the beginning of a new unit many students will likely have limited background knowledge of the events involved in the unit. Giving the students details regarding the sociopolitical climate of Europe and America at the time just prior to the exploration of America will provide them with a baseline of knowledge and understanding that they can build from during the unit.

2. Objective 2: Describe the reasons for the colonization of America

2.1. Big Idea: Religious freedom

2.1.1. Scaffolding strategy: Discussion prompts For higher level learners this strategy will help push the boundaries of their knowledge of the content, These students will be asked to elaborate on concepts already presented in class, or to answer questions that may foreshadow concepts to be discussed later. This should promote critical thinking skills and advanced understanding of concepts. For lower level learners this strategy would be employed to reinforce information already presented about the concepts. In the class discussion these students would be prompted to answer questions that would have been covered in assigned reading or lecture. Asking the students to recall information should help to reinforce their understanding of the concepts.

3. Objective 4: Describe the impact of key colonial figures

3.1. Big Idea: Contributions of individuals

3.1.1. Scaffolding strategy: Question cards For higher level learners these cards will serve as a review of concepts introduced in the lesson, as well as questions intended to expand on the concepts introduced in the lesson. The questions should promote learning that goes beyond what is required for the assessments, fostering more in depth understanding of the concepts. For lower level learners these cards will serve mainly as a review of the material. The intention will be to develop their understanding of the lesson in order to grasp the necessary concepts.

4. Objective 3: Compare the characteristics of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies

4.1. Big Idea: Autonomously operated colonies

4.1.1. Scaffolding strategy: Handouts For higher level learners this strategy can be effective because the material in the handouts will contain basic information on the new concepts and will guide the students to certain aspects of the concepts that they should focus on to develop a more advanced understanding of the concepts. For lower level learners the handout strategy can be effective because the information presented is a review of the base concepts being discussed. The students will not be overwhelmed by unnecessary additional information, allowing them to focus on learning the material being focused on for the lesson.

5. Alex Million

6. 9th-10th Grade History

7. Unit Standard: Review and discuss the Exploration and Colonization of America