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Conditionals Door Mind Map: Conditionals

1. First

1.1. Form (Grammar)

1.1.1. If + Present Simple + ... + Will + infinitive

1.2. When do I use it?

1.2.1. You use the first conditional when the things which might happen in the future, it describes possible things.

1.3. Examples

1.3.1. "When they have a lot of money, I will be their friends" All the women.

1.3.2. If you give your notebook to your teacher Elizabeth, you will approvate.

1.3.3. If I have enough money, I will buy a new ball.

1.3.4. When you improve your notes, you will have your new electric guitar.

2. Second

2.1. When do I use it?

2.1.1. When the action o event probably happen, but is not real.

2.2. Form (Grammar)

2.2.1. If + Past Simple + .... + Would + Infinitive

2.3. Examples

2.3.1. If I have the new Iphone 6, I would use it only in the house.

2.3.2. If I won the lotery, I would donate it to an charitable association.

2.3.3. When I won the prototype competition, I would be happy, If I win.

2.3.4. When I have a girlfriend, I would make her very happy

3. The first conditional describe thing that are likely to happen in the future, and the second conditional describe things that are not very likely to happen.

4. The first conditional describes a particular situation and the Zero conditional describes situations in general.

5. Zero

5.1. When do I use it?

5.1.1. This conditional is used when the result will always happen.

5.2. Form (Grammar)

5.2.1. If + Present Simple + .... + present simple

5.2.2. When + Present simple + .... + present simple

5.3. Examples

5.3.1. If you do your homework, you approve your signature.

5.3.2. When you heat water, it evaporates.

5.3.3. If you heat ice, it melts.

5.3.4. When you go out, I am alone

6. Third

6.1. Form (Grammar)

6.1.1. If + Past perfect + ..... + would + have + Past participle

6.2. When do I use it?

6.2.1. It talks about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.

6.3. Examples

6.3.1. If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (She didn't study and so she didn't pass)

6.3.2. If I hadn't eaten so much, I wouldn't have felt sick

6.3.3. If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane

6.3.4. If I had have the time, I would have do the homework.