Gemma's Trek

For my narrative essay

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Gemma's Trek Door Mind Map: Gemma's Trek

1. Adventures down the mountain

1.1. Slippery rocks and waterfalls

1.1.1. (Has to pass under a few waterfalls to reach the bottom)

1.2. Lightning and thunder

1.2.1. (A rainy and windy thunder storm that startles Dell and spooks him)

1.3. Dell gets lost

1.3.1. (Because of the thunder and lightning, Dell takes off and leaves Gemma. Gemma is concerned when she cannot find him)

2. Storm Approaches

2.1. 3 miles from bottom

2.1.1. (With several waterfalls and rock sections)

2.2. Alone with dog

2.2.1. (Dell hikes often, but not in extreme conditions. He also scares easily)

2.3. Has minimal supplies

2.3.1. (Water and food for a day, but only has a thin raincoat to last her through the brisk weather)

3. Goes out for a hike

3.1. With dog, Dell

3.1.1. (Golden Retriever, 10 month old puppy)

3.2. In Washington state

3.2.1. (Often rainy and foggy)

3.3. Hiking at Wallace Falls

3.3.1. (In May Creek, WA)

4. At the bottom of the mountain

4.1. Gemma finds Dell at trail head

4.1.1. (Dell is waiting for Gemma at the end and she is relieved to see him safe)

4.2. Rain lightens up

4.2.1. (The clouds begin to disperse and the sun pokes a few beams out as it sets)

4.3. Gemma reflects about the days events

4.3.1. (Sitting in the back of her car with Dell, she is thankful for the safe hike, the return of Dell, and the sweet smell of the rain)