Nutrients necessary for Brain Development

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Nutrients necessary for Brain Development Door Mind Map: Nutrients necessary for Brain Development

1. Iron:   regulates central nervous system cell division.  A deficiency could cause  learning and memory retention loss

2. Fatty Acids:  used in neurotransmission.  Is an actual component of myelin, the insulating sheath around nerve fibers in the brain

3. Choline: needed for trans-membrane signaling.  Choline deficiency has long term effects on brain transmission

4. Zinc:  needed for cell division in DNA synthesis.  a deficiency can lead to receptor deficiency

5. Experience in Education:  studies have shown that humans who have higher levels of education have more dendritic branches therefore using more of the brain

6. iodine: needed for thyroid hormone production.  Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can cause mental retardation.