English - 9th Grade

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English - 9th Grade Door Mind Map: English - 9th Grade

1. Teachers

1.1. Mr. Brydson

1.1.1. Original teacher

1.2. Mrs. Hogan

1.2.1. Teaches the class

2. Books

2.1. The Pearl

2.2. A Separate Peace

2.2.1. Main characters Finny Gene

2.3. Romeo and Juliet

3. Homework

3.1. Essays

3.1.1. Purpose Helps writing essays in exams Understanding the story

3.2. Assignments

3.3. Worksheets

4. Projects/Presentations

4.1. Is money good or bad ??

4.2. Speech for Finny s funeral

5. Movies

5.1. John Q

5.2. drumline

5.3. romeo and juliet