Turning point

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Turning point Door Mind Map: Turning point

1. Character

1.1. Before

1.1.1. Apprehensive

1.2. When they skip him

1.2.1. He thought that the chief elder had forgotten about him but the elders made no mistakes

1.2.2. Worrying that he had done something wrong

1.3. After

1.3.1. He is scared when "incomprehensible pain" is mentioned. He lacks self-confidence and thinks he isn't up to the job.

1.3.2. Maybe he knows that he can cope because they mention the heavy deliberation the Elders.

1.4. When they tell him he isn't being Assigned

1.4.1. He becomes confused and worried.

2. He get his jobs  rules

2.1. He get told he can lie

2.1.1. "You may lie" He starts to question the foundation of truth in his community "What if others - had upon becoming twelves, received in their instruction the same terrifying sentence"

2.2. He gets told that he can be rude

2.2.1. 'Now empowered to ask questions of utmost rudeness - and promised answers - he could conceivably (though it was almost unimaginable), ask someone, some adult his father perhaps: "Do you lie?" ' He starts to think about being rude and asking if someone lies

2.3. He gets told he cant share what his training is

2.4. He isn't aloud to share his dreams any more

3. Setting

3.1. The Auditorium

3.1.1. Sorted by year group

3.2. Outside the auditorium

3.2.1. he doesn't know what job he is going to be assigned