Atmospheric pollution

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Atmospheric pollution Door Mind Map: Atmospheric pollution

1. What is it?

1.1. The atmospheric pollution is:

1.1.1. To the presence in the air of matters or forms of energy that involve risk, damage or serious annoyance for people and property of any nature

2. Solutions to Pollution

2.1. Use of catalysts in cars to reduce the pollutant gases they give off

2.2. Use of public transport and environmentally friendly means to pollute less

2.3. Use of alternative energies such as solar and wind.

3. Pollution problems

3.1. Deforestation and forest fires.

3.2. Contamination of waters, sweets and the sea.

3.3. Destruction by depredation of animals

3.3.1. Undue hunt for animals and fish.

3.3.2. Burnt fuel gases that rise to the atmosphere ... etc.