savvy Sociogram by Selena Mendez : Mibs

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savvy Sociogram by Selena Mendez : Mibs Door Mind Map: savvy Sociogram by Selena Mendez : Mibs

1. mib's savvy

1.1. she can read minds

2. bobbi

3. will Jr.

3.1. goes with mibs to saline with bobbi and samson and fish

4. poppa

4.1. is is in a coma in saline

5. momma

5.1. she is perfect

6. mibs character

6.1. nice

6.1.1. hair like sand and straw

7. carlene and rhonda

8. lester

9. samson

9.1. he is 7 years old

9.2. doesn't have a savvy yet is too young

10. fish

10.1. he is 14 years old

10.2. savvy is to control the rain and storms

11. gypsy

11.1. she's 3 years old

12. rocket

12.1. controlling electricity is his savvy

12.2. 17 yrs

13. grandpa bomba

13.1. his savvy is to make more land