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My selves Door Mind Map: My selves

1. what do i think people see

1.1. Athletic

1.1.1. Since I am mostly doing extra curricular like football and basketball. People usually see the work I put in an how good I am

1.2. Humor

1.2.1. Most people that I am around enjoy my humor because I make them laugh at things i say unintentionally and I am told that when I am around I know how to make them laugh

1.3. Personalty

2. what do people actually see

2.1. optimistic

2.2. Quiet

2.2.1. The way my personality is; I don't always attract attention because of how quiet I am. I am said to be soft spoken at times but I do not usually initiate a conversation unless I am very close to a certain person

2.3. Smart

2.3.1. People actually see me as very intelligent and open minded. The way I come off to people is very proper and my responses to certain situations and conversations with what is being said gives them a perfect understanding of my intelligence.

3. What things do I want to keep private

3.1. Sketchy

3.1.1. I can be a sketchy person, not as much sneaky but I am always up to something and it is not always in a negative way. I always look for things to do. I like solving things or creating problems needed for resoltuions

3.2. Shy

3.2.1. I am a laid back person and that has a lot with me being quiet. When I am asked things i don't like for people to hear me or my answers and i don't prefer repeating myself.

3.3. ISFP