declawing cats

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declawing cats Door Mind Map: declawing cats

1. prices for the procedure

1.1. places that do it for cheap do it for usually charge 100 dollars

1.1.1. more expensive places do it for about 250 dollars or more if you do the laser method it can cost over 450 dollars

2. other choices before declawing that are less invasive

2.1. cat scraters and trees

2.1.1. nail covers that can be bought at just about any pet store. keeping nails trimmed cat aversives

3. why people do it

3.1. to prevent cats from scratching

3.1.1. sometimes because of injuries or tumors to protect their furniture so the carpets do not get scratched up

4. things that can happen to cats after they get declawed

4.1. they can become more aggresive

4.1.1. they experience pain after the procedure medical drawbacks cats can stop using the litter box

5. how is the declawing procedure done

5.1. the excisional method which involves removing all of the p3 bone

5.1.1. the other type is the guillotine method which cuts through the p3 bone the cats are put under anesthesia there is also another type of declawing called deep digital flexor tendonectemy