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Video Games Door Mind Map: Video Games

1. price of games

1.1. are rated m games more expensive than e rated games?

1.2. is call of duty and grand theft auto more expensive because of the realisticness or because of the violence in them?

1.3. Do old games cost less or more?

1.4. does the rate of the games affect the price?

2. do video games affect more than just how you are?

2.1. do they affect your bones for sitting or standing for a long time?

2.2. do they affect your vision?

2.3. do they affect interaction with family?

3. do more violent games affect how you act

3.1. do rated m games make u more violent?

3.2. do rated e games help u be more kind and nice?

4. amount of time played

4.1. how long should you play a day?

4.2. Does the more you play affect your vision?

4.3. if you play more than recommended does that affect your rest of the day things?

4.4. does the more time you play affect your grades in school?

5. certain age you should be to play certain games

5.1. how do producers know how they should rate the game?

5.2. what is the age for each rating?