Virtual Reality Digital Environments

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Virtual Reality Digital Environments Door Mind Map: Virtual Reality Digital Environments

1. Spatial

1.1. cyberspace

1.2. displays

1.2.1. place

1.3. interactor navigation

1.3.1. plot

1.3.2. choreography

2. Encyclopedic

2.1. fan culture

2.1.1. electronic media intersecting stories epic arcs

2.1.2. television drama series

2.2. authority of constraints

2.2.1. political & design assumptions

2.2.2. interpretive choice

2.2.3. illusory coverage

2.2.4. hidden values

3. Structural

3.1. objective correlative

3.1.1. emotions

3.2. system-modeling medium

3.2.1. rule systems

3.3. hypertext

3.3.1. "hummingbird mind"

3.4. simulations

4. Procedural

4.1. ELIZA

4.1.1. conversational

4.1.2. computer medium

4.2. storytelling

4.2.1. rule-writing

4.2.2. interpretive

5. Participatory

5.1. interactive

5.1.1. branching structure

5.1.2. limiting choices

5.2. responsive

5.3. interpreted code

5.4. LISP

5.4.1. evaluation return

5.4.2. object-oriented

5.4.3. Zork trial and error branching structure limiting choices interactor scripts