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Me Door Mind Map: Me

1. How I Study Best

1.1. At Night

1.2. Groups

1.3. Flash Cards

2. Multiple Intellegence Results

2.1. Interpersonal

2.2. Musical

3. Personality Spectrum Results

3.1. Adventurer

3.2. Organizer

4. BE Results

4.1. Night Person

4.2. Prefer Being Alone

5. ONET Interest Results

6. Highest: Enterprising

7. Lowest: Investigative

8. How I Learn Best

8.1. Group Work

8.2. Energetic

8.3. Real World Applications

9. Successful Intellegence

9.1. Creative Thinking 42

9.2. Practical Thinking 38

9.3. Analytical Thinking 35

10. Interests

10.1. Skateboarding