Lumen Gentium

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Lumen Gentium Door Mind Map: Lumen Gentium

1. Section 5

1.1. Through the preaching and teachings of Christ, the church came into formation, making a place that anyone could come to for help or for prayer.

2. Section 6

2.1. In the old testament, the kingdom is often described with lots of imagery. The image mostly being of a shepherd, because Jesus is the shepherd and we are his sheep. As for imagery for the church, it is described as the spotless spouse of the spotless Lamb whom Christ "loved and for whom He delivered Himself up that He might sanctify her."

3. Section 7

3.1. By sharing the holy spirit with everyone who accepted it, Christ made his brothers part of his mystical holy body. Christ and his holiness are spread to all of his believer's through the sacraments that he gave to us. Though there is one hugh body formed by many people, there is one holy spirit spread and shared to everyone.

4. Section 8

4.1. Christ, who is the one mediator, established and continues to sustain everything he had worked to set up for us. The church that Christ put Peter was put in charge of is constituted and organized as a society in the world as a whole. Lastly just as Christ carried out the work of redemption in poverty and persecution, we are called in to presume the same work Christ was doing to further develop and grow the community of the church

5. Section 1

5.1. Through the church, we come to know and learn from Christ who is known as the light of all nations. The closely knit union that is kept between man and God is kept because of the church and it's work.

6. Section 2

6.1. God, when he created the world, created the world with a plan to raise man up to participate in a divine life

7. Section 3

7.1. God chose and predestined us to become his children and for each one of us to "get along" as brothers and sisters in him

8. Section 4

8.1. When Jesus' work on earth, God sent the holy spirit on Pentecost to continue to sanctify the church and give people the chance to reach God and Christ.