Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District (LDATD)

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Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District (LDATD) Door Mind Map: Learning Disabilities Association of Toronto District (LDATD)

1. Programs for Children and Youth

1.1. Each of the afterschool programs targets at-risk communities to engage youth in safe and healthy activities. Social skills and socialization program Keyboarding for kids Smart kidz tutoring Assistive technology training for kids Jump math Jump 2 Success – sports S.T.Y.L.E. (Skills Training for Youth through Learning and Education) program

2. What They Do

2.1. • Provide information about learning disabilities • Provide referral services to professionals like psychologists, tutors • Provide resources: IEP, IPRC, spec-ed to all • Provide support and guidance to parents concerning their children’s rights in the school system • Hold free public events on various aspects of learning disabilities

3. Mission

3.1. Their mission is to provide education, advocacy, research, and services for all ages so they can participate in the society fully.

4. Vision

4.1. LDATD has a vision of a world where people with Learning Disabilities have the opportunity to reach their full intellectual and abilities potential.

5. Goal

5.1. Dedicated to improving the lives of children, youth, and adults with learning disabilities, LDATD offers many resources, services, information, venues, and products designed to help people with LDs and ADHD, as well as parents, teachers, and other professionals.

6. Cultural Diversity and Inclusion

6.1. Programs like S.P.L.A.S.H. (Settlement Program Learning Abilities Service Hub) provide free settlement information and orientation services & programs to newcomers allowing for successful integration into Canada. Give newcomers the accessibility to contribute and participate in their communities. Includes one-on-one assistance, group workshops, valuable career and educational information, skill building, and access to various services (i.e. employment support, social/financial services, etc.) Program Values and Goals: Empower newcomers by building strong supportive system Provide appropriate assistance to newcomers with language accommodation and learning styles Enable newcomers to experience successful integration in Canada Inspire newcomers to contribute and stay connected within the community Ensuring that communications with newcomers are done in a manner that takes into account their individual circumstances (Includes immigrants and refugees) This program also offers newcomers the opportunity to strengthen their language skills and speaking confidence so they can get meaningful jobs/life experiences that reflect their full potential or pursue a higher education to advance their careers.

7. Accessing Services

7.1. Contact Info: 121 Willowdale Ave. Suite 203, Toronto 416-229-1680 or [email protected] -Programs are free of charge -Provide services in English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Russian, French etc. -Interpretation & Translation Assistance & Referral -Social Benefits Applications