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AWS Door Mind Map: AWS

1. Storage

1.1. S3

1.1.1. Store an object

1.1.2. Simple Storage Service

1.2. Glacier

1.2.1. Archive

1.3. EFS

1.4. Storage gateway

1.4.1. Connect S3, virtual machine

2. Compute

2.1. EC2

2.2. EC2 Container Service

2.3. Elastic Beanstalk

2.4. Lambda

2.5. Lightsail

2.6. Batch

3. Databases

3.1. RDS

3.1.1. Relationnal Database Service

3.2. DynamoDB

3.3. Redshift

3.3.1. Data warehouse

3.4. Elasticache

3.4.1. Cache it

4. Migration

4.1. Snowball

4.2. DMS

4.2.1. Database Migration Service

4.2.2. You can change database

4.3. SMS

4.3.1. Server Migration Service

5. Analytics

5.1. Athena

5.2. EMR

5.2.1. Process large amount of data

5.3. Cloud Search

5.4. Elastic Search

5.5. Kenesis

5.6. Data pipeline

5.7. Quick Sight

6. Security & Identity

6.1. IAM

6.1.1. Identity and Access Management

6.2. Inspector

6.3. Certificate manager

6.4. Directory Service

6.5. WAF

6.6. Artifact

7. Management tools

7.1. Cloud Watch

7.1.1. Ressources

7.2. Cloud Formation

7.3. Cloud Trail

7.3.1. Auditing

7.4. Opsworks

7.5. Config

7.6. Service catalog

7.7. Trusted Advisor

8. Application Services

8.1. Step Functions

8.1.1. Coordinate microservices

8.2. SWF

8.2.1. Simple Workflow Service

8.3. API Gateway

8.4. AppStream 2.0

8.5. Elastic Transcoder

9. Developer Tools

9.1. CodeCommit

9.1.1. Like GitHub, store code

9.2. CodeBuild

9.3. CodeDeploy

9.4. CodePipeline

10. Mobile Services

10.1. Mobile Hub

10.2. Cognito

10.3. Device Farm

10.4. Mobile Analytics

10.5. Pinpoint

11. Business Productivity

11.1. WorkDocs

11.2. WorkMail

12. Internet of Things

12.1. iOT

12.2. Greengrass

13. Desktop & App Streaming

13.1. WorkSpaces

13.2. AppStream 2.0

14. Artificial Intelligence

14.1. alexa

14.1.1. echo

14.2. lex

14.3. Polly

14.4. Machine Learning

14.4.1. Analyse dataset for future decision

14.5. Rekognition

14.5.1. Identify on a photo

15. Messaging

15.1. SNS

15.1.1. Simple Notification Service

15.2. SQS

15.2.1. Simple Queue Service

15.3. SES

15.3.1. Simple Email Service

16. Game developement

16.1. Gamelift

17. Networking & Content Delivery

17.1. VPC

17.2. Cloud Front

17.3. Direct Connect

17.4. Route 53