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cars Door Mind Map: cars

1. somes more common brands

1.1. ford

1.2. chevy

1.3. dodge

1.4. VW

1.5. lexus

1.6. mecedes

1.7. what is the best brand of car to own

1.7.1. personally I am a ford guy but i also drive a VW but when it comes to cars I want something that is fairly good on gas and looks really cool.

2. models variations

2.1. SUV's

2.2. coups

2.3. sport

2.4. pickup

2.5. sedan

3. uses

3.1. work

3.2. recreation

3.3. common use

4. types

4.1. engine

4.1.1. hybrid

4.1.2. diesil

4.1.3. standard

4.1.4. 2,4,6,8,12 cylinder

4.2. "drive"

4.2.1. 2 wheel front

4.2.2. 2 wheel rear

4.2.3. 4 wheel

4.2.4. all wheel

4.3. transmission

4.3.1. automatic

4.3.2. manual

4.3.3. which is better Automatic transmission or Manual transmission i believe that for most people automatic is better because it is easier yo use

4.4. fuel

4.4.1. regular

4.4.2. diesil

4.4.3. electronic

4.4.4. what is the best for your use