Non-Cognitive Skills for Academic Success

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Non-Cognitive Skills for Academic Success Door Mind Map: Non-Cognitive Skills for Academic Success

1. 1. Behaviors related to conscientiousness

2. 2. Sense of belonging

3. Self-control, hard work, persistence, and achievement orientation.

4. 3. Academic self-efficacy

5. Student’s sense that he or she belongs at a college, fits in well, and is socially integrated.

6. Student’s belief that he or she can succeed in academic tasks.

7. 4. Growth mindset

8. Student’s belief that his or her own intelligence is not a fixed entity, but a malleable quality that can grow and improve.

9. 5. Utility goals and values

10. Personal goals and values that a student perceives to be directly linked to the achievement of a future, desired end.

11. 6. Intrinsic goals and interest

12. Personal goals that a student experiences as rewarding in and of themselves, linked to strong interest.

13. 7. Prosocial goals and values

14. The desire to promote the well-being or development of other people or of domains that transcend the self.

15. 8. Positive future self

16. A positive image or personal narrative constructed by a student to represent what kind of person he or she will be in the future.