Bridge Online Course

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Bridge Online Course Door Mind Map: Bridge Online Course

1. Energetics/Glucose Metabolism

2. Effects on Metabolism

3. Chemical Reactions/Equilibrium

3.1. Standard conditions and equilibrium

3.1.1. 1 M

3.1.2. 1 atm

3.1.3. 298 K

3.2. Le Chatelier's Principle

3.2.1. "if a system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in the concentration of one of the components, the system will shift its equilibrium position so as to counteract the effect of the disturbance"

4. Formation of peptide bonds

5. Proteins

5.1. Characteristics of folding structures

5.2. Bonds formed during protein folding

5.3. Quaternary structure

6. Enzymes

6.1. Characteristics

6.2. Effect on activation energy

6.3. Role as a catalyst

7. Signal transduction from outside to inside cell

8. Signal binding and conformational change

9. Receptor-Ligand Binding

9.1. Ligand impermeability and Hydrophilic/phobic interactions

9.2. Signal binding and conformational change

10. Amino Acids

10.1. Structure

10.1.1. Amino group

10.1.2. Carboxyl group

10.1.3. R-Group

10.2. R group characteristics

10.2.1. Polar R groups

10.2.2. Hydrophobic R groups

10.2.3. Special R groups

11. Signaling

11.1. Signal termination

11.1.1. the signal can be degraded

11.1.2. the receptors can be deactivated