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Assessment Door Mind Map: Assessment

1. Interim

1.1. Periodic testing throughout the school year to prepare students for tests and allow teachers to know what they still need to cover

1.1.1. Examples: benchmark, six weeks, chapter test, benchmark testing

2. Diagnostic

2.1. Pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine student’s individual strengths prior to instruction

2.1.1. Examples: MAP testing, TELPAS

3. Performance

3.1. Where students apply skills and knowledge and usually based off rubric

3.1.1. Examples: portfolios, projects, PAs,

4. Assessments are tools used to give teachers data of what students know. This can be done before a topic is taught, throughout the lessons/school year, and after the closing of a topic or school year to find out what the student has learned and where they need to go. This helps teachers know how to best accommodate for each student and meet each student where they are at.

5. Formative

5.1. Used to monitor instruction and students to monitor progress

5.1.1. Examples: Exit tickets, quick write, shout it out

6. Summative

6.1. Academic achievement at the conclusion of instructional period

6.1.1. Examples: end of unit test, STAAR, ACT, SAT, standardized tests, Final exams

7. HOT Questions

7.1. Opening Questions

7.1.1. What would you use to classify ___?

7.1.2. What can you predict for __?

7.2. Guiding Questions

7.2.1. How is __ related to __?

7.2.2. How can this be applied to new situations?

7.3. Closing Questions

7.3.1. What could you have done differently?

7.3.2. How can you prove your answer?

8. Assessment Data

8.1. Profit Formative Assessment; Math 4th grade

8.1.1. Student 1: 60% / 4620 Student 1 struggled with identifying what each category each variables went into and the order of equation. Some strategies I could use with her would be giving her a pneumonic device to remember what receipt, expenses, and profit are. A second strategy I would use would be having her underline key/important numbers to pick them out easier

8.1.2. Student 2: 70% / 4980 Student 2 struggled with time management and finishing questions on time. Some strategies that I could use to help her with that is practicing questions with timers and allowing her to have practice answering timed questions. A second strategy I would use would be to give her a model to use so that she can input the variables into the model and solve the problem quicker

8.1.3. Student 3: 60% / 5470 Student 3 struggled choosing important information from fluff in world problems. Some strategies I could use to help him would be to practice locating important information with circling or underlining and "trash" information in word problems. A second strategy I could use would be to help him set up a model to visually see what information makes sense In the equation

8.2. Teacher can use data from the assessment to change groupings for students and create accommodations for students who need reteach, or other strategies necessary to help them succeed.