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Saif Melhem Door Mind Map: Saif Melhem

1. Spritually

1.1. Pray as much as possible. a Minimum of 3 Prayss a day

1.2. Enjoy not having to pay Zakaa Till the next few years.

1.2.1. Although, you still have to give the poor guy on the street something.

1.3. Do Yoga 1 Hour a Day!

2. Academically

2.1. Finish BA's by August 2018 from PSUT

2.2. Having a minimum of two years of Experience in certain job related to my BA's

2.2.1. Probably happen in Abudhabi or One of the countries i would want to Settle in. (Canada, Austria, And Australia)

2.3. Apply to MA's degree in field that you would want to do for the rest of your life.

2.4. Attend courses related to my Major!

3. Near future

3.1. Learn Yoga Stuff

3.2. Start Praying

3.3. Try to quit Dota 2 and make it only on a 100% free time.

3.4. Sleep at 11 Pm maximum

3.5. Make breakfast before hitting the road.


4. Socially

4.1. Connect with 1st phase family daily

4.1.1. WhatsApp

4.1.2. Phone Calls

4.2. Make sure to Satisfy as much of them as possible.

4.3. Check up on your connections everyonce in a while

4.4. I need to get to know more successful people in the Market place

5. Health

5.1. Quit smoking by the age of 22

5.1.1. This means you have to start to decrease the amount i smoke from now!

5.2. Do stretches 4-3 times a day with Some push ups and set ups.

5.3. Go for a run everyonce in a while! by the end of this year (2017) i have to run for an hour!

5.4. Medical check ups every 6 months!

6. Financially

6.1. Powerful Passport

6.1.1. before reaching 30 Which means i have to Travel out of Jordan as soon as i finish my BA's

6.1.2. Options are Austria, Canada, Australia.

6.2. Find a Demand That i can cover

6.3. Start a Business of my own out of the Arab world.

6.4. Closer to the Million than to a 100k before being an official 40 years old man.

7. Emotional Life

7.1. Find the Love of my life!

7.1.1. Don't find her in Jordan please!

7.2. Speaking of Which!

7.2.1. Where are you, Dear?