Document Properties

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Document Properties Door Mind Map: Document Properties

1. Is the Document number and Title well presented?

2. Do you see three tabs for the document?

2.1. Properties Tab

2.1.1. Is all the information correct and well presented compare to Aconex if necessary

2.2. Sent tab

2.2.1. Is all the information correct

2.3. Downloaded Tab

2.3.1. Is all the information correct

3. Does the event log button take you to the event log for that document.

4. Is Document History presented correctly.

4.1. If it has history can you switch between each version and the properties change?

5. If you click on the Title of a document in the search page are you taken to the Documents properties page?

6. If you click on the open link of a document in the search page are you taken to the Documents properties page

7. Does the back button work as expected

8. Time zones

8.1. If time zones are changed is that reflected in

8.1.1. properties page

8.1.2. sent tab

8.1.3. document downloaded tab