Universal education solutions

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Universal education solutions Door Mind Map: Universal education solutions

1. Home schooling

1.1. Parents can teach their own children - lowering the amount of children in schools and therefore children who can't be homeschooled will be accept into school and overcrowding will become less of a problem

1.2. Allow for different types of teaching that work for the individual child

1.3. Con - children may struggle with social aspects later in life as they aren't interacting with other children as they would in school

1.4. Tribes in Nigeria teach their children about their own culture and how to survive and live in the climates, which works better for their own survival - while in our country we need to know maths and English

1.5. Children and siblings are less likely to be segregated because of their gender or religion, which might happen in some schools around the world

2. Building more schools

2.1. Building more schools in third world countries - possibly through charities - to allow more children to go to school

2.2. Build smaller schools in rural areas so that children don't have to travel as frequently - especially in third world countries. It would also mean that schools in the city don't became overcrowed

2.3. Building schools takes a long time and countries might not have the money or resources - However if there are any abandoned buildings then they could renovate them instead of completely building a new school

2.4. Building new schools would mean that they can build facilities to be able to cater for children with special needs or disabilities, whereas if they were to put these facilities in a school that is already built it might take longer - However, this might cost more money and might take longer trying to plan how the school is going to look

2.5. Areas might need to be cleared in order to allow enough space to build schools, which could affect the envirmonment

3. Training more teachers

3.1. Training teachers is going to be cost a lot of money because of university fees needed to do the courses and to pay for their wages once they get the job

3.2. Students doing teaching degrees could be sent overseas to do work experience

3.3. Encourage trainee teachers to travel to different countries to teach languages - teachers are then able to get experience for themselves while also helping children. However, if teachers are being sent abroad then they will need to become aware of the political laws in place e.g. some girls are not allowed into schools and some subjects can't be taught

3.4. Teachers would need to train to be able to deal with children with disabilities and mental illness, therefore it will take longer before teachers can actually teach and some people might not be willing to do more training

4. More money being given to schools

4.1. Schools will be able to have regular maintenance so that they don't suffer any extreme damage and will be able to stay open for longer

4.2. More money could be spent on resources that don't have to be expensive - simply books and stationary instead of electronics

4.3. However, technology is used widely throughout Western societies so children would need to be taught about how to use technology

4.4. However, the government might not have enough money to invest in education - especially in poorer countries and may want to invest more money into things like healthcare

4.5. If there is a natural disaster then the school will be able to be quickly redone and will be able to open quicker if they have the money available.

5. Creating more charities to help children get into education

5.1. Allows people to raise money to give better quality books or other resources to children in poorer countries

5.2. Charities that allow volunteers to travel to other countries to help children first hand would be better than just sending money to them

5.3. Having a charity day to raise money for children who can't afford education

5.4. More charities working together to raise money will mean that more money can be given to schools when there is a natural disaster, so that they can re-build quicker and children and go back to school quicker