unit 2 ( the place to be )

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unit 2 ( the place to be ) Door Mind Map: unit 2 ( the place to be )

1. grammar

1.1. Present perfect simple - present perfect progressive.

1.2. Articles.

2. reading

2.1. A magazine article about Iceland.

3. listening

3.1. An interview with a boy who has just been to the London dungeon.

3.2. People talking about why they visited or moved to a particular place.

4. speaking

4.1. Choosing between options (which place to rent) - Discussing where to live.

5. writing

5.1. An article.

6. vocabulary

6.1. Words easily confused.

6.2. Words related to the weather.

6.3. Expressions with make and do.

6.4. Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing.

6.5. adjectives describing people and places.