TEDxRotterdam2011 Kees Moeliker

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TEDxRotterdam2011 Kees Moeliker by Mind Map: TEDxRotterdam2011 Kees Moeliker

1. European Bureau of improbable research

2. biologist

2.1. pubic lice

2.1.1. human

2.1.2. less pubic hair destruction of a habitat

2.1.3. headlines "Dutch Museum Pleads for Crab Lice Donor"

3. natural history museum

3.1. faith of the duck

3.2. prevent new ways birds colliding with windows

3.3. Dead Duck Day

3.3.1. more information

4. Leading biologist

4.1. Profile on TEDxRotterdam site

4.2. @KeesMoeliker

4.3. moeliker.wordpress.com

5. ducks

5.1. dead duck & live duck

5.2. live duck mounted the dead duck

5.3. link to the full paper

5.4. observations

6. The IG Nobel

6.1. make people laugh then think

6.2. 200 people who the prize

6.3. winning teh IG nobel prize changed his life

6.3.1. people send all kinds of duck related stuff

6.4. New node