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Goal Conflict by Mind Map: Goal Conflict

1. Results

1.1. Using goal.conflict.01.R

1.1.1. Null Model

1.1.2. Model 1

1.1.3. Model 2

1.1.4. Model 3

1.2. Using goal.conflict.04.R

1.2.1. Performance by time.f and condition.f

1.2.2. Null Model

1.2.3. Model 1

1.2.4. Model 2

2. Discussion

2.1. So what does cause psychological conflict?

2.1.1. Goal orientation?

2.1.2. Gender?

2.1.3. Self-efficacy?

2.2. Some good candidates...

2.3. Goal orientation...

2.4. Action orientation may be another.

2.5. Proactive personality...

2.6. How can this knowledge be used?

2.7. Perhaps...

2.8. One wonders...

2.9. How does time fit in?

2.9.1. iterative tasks

2.9.2. complexity

2.9.3. groups

3. Limitations

3.1. Sample size

3.2. Simulation instead of field

3.3. Failed to measure goal orientation

3.4. Manipulation did not work

4. Abstract

5. Literature Review

5.1. Goal setting theory states that...

5.2. Performance goals are limited in their...

5.3. One implication is...

5.4. Solutions to resource allocation constraints include...

5.5. Intra-individual goal conflict...

5.6. Paradoxically...

5.7. Kruglanski...

5.8. Other than...

5.9. In addition to...

5.10. The...

6. Methods

6.1. Subjects were recruited from

6.2. BizCafe simulation was used

6.3. BizCafe simulates...

6.4. The simulation...

6.5. Instructions for each condition

6.5.1. 0 = No Goal

6.5.2. 1 = Learning Goal Only

6.5.3. 2 = Learning Goal and Performance Goal

6.6. Data was collected

6.7. Removed one outlier (case 300)

6.8. What is HLM

6.9. HLM was used to

6.10. Then...