Essen und Trinken

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Essen und Trinken by Mind Map: Essen und Trinken

1. Check out

2. My wow words

2.1. köstlich

2.2. widerlich

3. resources I could use



3.2.1. New node

3.3. Exercise book

3.4. text book

3.4.1. New node

3.5. friend

3.6. dictionary

4. Ideas for my assessment

4.1. Leaflet on obesity/ healthy eating

4.2. food game

4.2.1. New node

4.3. Debate on fair trade

5. Checklist for success:

5.1. To get to the next level I must:

6. Find out more? Try

7. Drag & Drop and double-click canvas

8. Types of food and drink

8.1. Brokkoli Schokolade Butterbrot

8.2. Kaffee Orangensaft Tee Limonade Cola

9. Opinions about food

9.1. Verbs:finde mag, esse, trinke, ist

9.2. Opinions

9.2.1. adjectives; süß, sauer, gesund

9.2.2. verbs: finde, mag, mag nicht, esse gern

9.2.3. reasons: denn, weil

9.2.4. quantifiers: sehr, manchmal, oft, viel