Warming up with Pep Rosenfeld

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Warming up with Pep Rosenfeld by Mind Map: Warming up with Pep Rosenfeld

1. Who

1.1. Pep RosenFeld

1.2. life changing experience

1.2.1. was in 2010 host

1.2.2. change Pep to Ted

1.3. Ted Head

1.3.1. secret society

1.3.2. nerds from highschool who made it

2. livestreaming

2.1. 39 locations

2.1.1. cities such as cairo ho chi min city New york city

2.2. members Ted society

2.2.1. Royals from NL

2.3. most important people

2.3.1. people on the spot

2.3.2. listeners are most important

2.3.3. TED depends on listeners people who spread

2.3.4. listening is important communicatons skills

2.3.5. call: listen to ideas

2.3.6. listen, tweet, listen

2.3.7. active listeners

3. program

3.1. have look at the program mindmap

3.2. 10 speakers

3.2.1. 7 minutes each

3.2.2. innovative speakers

3.3. hard talk

3.3.1. grill couple speakers

3.4. 3 sessions

4. innovation is important

4.1. innovaters walk on the calwalk

4.2. not the football players

4.3. different sector of Dutch

4.3.1. water

4.3.2. chemistry

4.3.3. culture

4.3.4. life science & health

4.3.5. acriculture & food

4.3.6. logistics & supply chain

4.3.7. high tech systems & materials

4.3.8. energy

4.3.9. creative industries

4.4. sustainability

5. What

5.1. TED Talk videos

5.2. entertainment

5.3. introductions

6. TEDheads: we're not weird, we're just different

6.1. ideas worth spreading

6.2. Derek Sivers: Weird, or just different?

6.2.1. have a look at the TEDtalk here

6.2.2. nov 2009 street have names (USA) blocks have names (Japan) whatever is true, the opposite is also true

7. video

7.1. Holland Innovation Movie

7.2. pioneers in international business

8. JointhePipe

8.1. fill it up with tap water

8.2. sell the pipes for

8.3. chocies

8.3.1. return the pipe

8.3.2. buy the pipe don't just spread an idea help spread fresh water throughout the world