Mankind is now a slave to technology. It creates the problems, which are destroying our planet

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Mankind is now a slave to technology. It creates the problems, which are destroying our planet by Mind Map: Mankind is now a slave to technology. It creates the problems, which are destroying our planet

1. New node

2. New node

3. New node

3.1. facebook, twitter, tumblr,youtube,myspace

4. email, computers, smart phones, social networking

4.1. New node

5. Facebook - 41% rise in 6 months

5.1. social network addictions

5.2. it is a new kind of addiction

5.3. we check facebook constantly

5.4. the rise in popularity of facebook suggests that we are slaves to it.

5.4.1. most of us would be lost without it

5.5. psychological effects of having a social network addiction

5.5.1. academic procrastination

5.5.2. low self esteem

5.5.3. social inadequacy

5.5.4. challenge to socially interact in the real world

5.5.5. studies show that an addiction can lead to increase in depression, lower physical and general self esteem

6. has changed our lives - the way we work, study and communicate

6.1. New node

7. We rely on technology, we are slaves to it, addicted to it

8. technology has been beneficial

8.1. medical and scientific research

8.2. transportation

8.3. technological advances i.e new computers, phones etc coming out yearly

8.4. electricity

8.5. easily can communicate around the world

8.6. entertainment

9. people are not aware of its implications

9.1. New node

10. how is it destroying our planet

10.1. terrorism

10.2. rely on google for answers

10.3. power/control/greed

10.4. green house gas destroying our atmosphere

10.5. cyber bullying

10.6. privacy rights

10.7. internet fraud

10.7.1. New node

10.7.2. Ne node

10.7.3. New node

10.8. - People become too reliant on these technologies and in turn become slaves to it. Many people wake up every day and check their email, weather, facebook, twitter before they even get out of bed.

10.9. don't no how to communicate face to face

10.10. pirated software, music, movies

11. having an addiction to social networking

11.1. it can cause problems such as

11.1.1. destroy friendships

11.1.2. destroy relationships

11.1.3. bullying

11.1.4. sexual harrassment

11.1.5. easily can stalk people

11.1.6. rather than being outdoors and exercising people sit infront of their computers glued to the screens unable to move.

11.1.7. causes people to be antisocial

11.1.8. people no longer no how to communicate face to face

11.2. use of computer, phone, internet (multiple technologies at once)

11.2.1. rely on google for answers

11.2.2. terrorism

11.2.3. power/control/greed

11.2.4. green house gas destroying our atmosphere

11.2.5. cyber bullying

11.2.6. privacy rights

11.2.7. internet fraud New node Ne node New node

11.2.8. - People become too reliant on these technologies and in turn become slaves to it. Many people wake up every day and check their email, weather, facebook, twitter before they even get out of bed.

11.2.9. pirated software, music, movies

12. essay

12.1. intro

12.1.1. discuss question, look at elements of question and discuss positive and negative ideas but I agree that mankind are slave to technology. Introduce what topics will be discussed

12.2. para 1

12.2.1. history of technology

12.3. para 2

12.3.1. discuss social networking

12.4. para 3

12.4.1. implications of social networking

12.5. para 4

12.5.1. how are we slaves to it and how is it destroying the planet

12.6. conclusion

12.6.1. strong powerful conclusion stating how and why we are slaves to technology and how it is destroying the planet.

13. are we slaves to it?

13.1. yes we rely on technology everyday. To drive to the shops, the transfer money, we need computers and smart phones and we take advantage of these technologies and in turn we become slaves to it. Where would we be without technology?