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TechEd 07 by Mind Map: TechEd 07

1. Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0

2. Sharepoint 2007 is much better

2.1. lots of things

2.1.1. Web CMS

2.1.2. ECMS (in theory)

2.1.3. Portal

2.1.4. Workflow

2.1.5. Wiki

2.1.6. Blog

2.1.7. Personal Pages

2.1.8. EDMS

2.2. Sharepoint Designer

2.3. Ministry of Transport

2.4. Silverlight

2.5. Connections with Office 2007

3. UI

3.1. beyond usability to joy of use

3.2. user efficiency over machine efficiency

3.3. relign not redesign

3.4. channels for purpose

3.5. not too much AJAX please

3.6. technologists vs user view

3.7. joy of use

3.8. people think in patterns -> make predictions

3.9. multi-touch interfaces

4. IE 7.0

4.1. New node