XTools/Call Source

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XTools/Call Source by Mind Map: XTools/Call Source

1. Call Source Component

1.1. Design Interface

1.1.1. Document Interface

1.2. Build Test Harness

1.2.1. 4days

1.2.2. Test Suite for the public interface

1.2.3. Test suite for XML internals

1.2.4. Build Mock Objects to stub out Call source calls

1.3. Build Stubs

1.3.1. 1day

1.3.2. include dummy data

1.3.3. build Business Objects in Interface

1.3.4. deliver to Maria

1.3.5. Design Stub approach

1.4. Component Configuration

1.4.1. 1 day

1.4.2. Design with Paul

1.4.3. Implement

1.5. Build XML requests

1.5.1. Integrate DOM

1.5.2. Navigate using XPath

1.5.3. Abstract common routines

1.5.4. Implement for 15 methods

1.5.5. 2 days

1.6. Send XML to Callsource

1.6.1. 3 days

1.6.2. Test URL Connect

1.6.3. build error handeling

1.7. Parse XML response

1.7.1. Integrate DOM

1.7.2. Navigate using XPath

1.7.3. Abstract common routines

1.7.4. Implement for 15 methods

1.7.5. 3 days

2. Deploy

2.1. Check in code to SVN

2.2. Allocate a track

2.3. Build and deploy in dev

2.4. Test in dev

3. Design

3.1. Complete FTRD

3.2. Create Technical Architecture

4. Resources

4.1. Joe He

4.1.1. 100%

4.2. Maria Alferov

4.2.1. 100%

4.3. Dave Ciaglo

4.3.1. 10%

4.4. Jake Battle

4.4.1. 5%

4.5. Paul Caswell

4.5.1. 5%

5. XTools

5.1. UI

5.1.1. Distributions Page Estimate 2 day Not started

5.1.2. PopUpPage SubTask1 SubTask2

5.1.3. Extending Phone Page Estimate 15 days Document Existing page flow Design approach Review estimate

5.2. Manager Classes

5.2.1. 10 days

5.2.2. Design Approach

5.2.3. Identify Tasks

5.3. Database

5.3.1. Data Modeling 3 days

5.3.2. Implementation 2 days

5.3.3. research audit logging

6. Integrate

6.1. Test in IT

6.1.1. 1 week

6.2. Test in QA

6.2.1. 3 weeks

6.3. Integrate early and often

6.3.1. Coordinate methods in the interface to integrate

6.3.2. Provide weekly Integration tests

7. Data Migration

7.1. Inbound Feed

7.2. Data Exception handling

8. Planning

8.1. Identify Sub Tasks

8.2. Investigate tracking tools

8.3. Harvest effective methods for SDLC