Module European PROFESSIONALISM School Concepts in Europe (7,5 ECTS - Credits)

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Module European PROFESSIONALISM School Concepts in Europe (7,5 ECTS - Credits) by Mind Map: Module European PROFESSIONALISM School Concepts in Europe  (7,5 ECTS - Credits)

1. Content

1.1. Historic overview on school development -Theory on learning and teaching

1.2. School reforms in Europe: traditionalists and modern developments

1.3. School development in the student’s countries

1.4. School development in the student’s countries

1.5. National and European decision making on education: ideas, indications, regulations

2. Action research and project development Additional 2-6 ECTS

3. REFLECTION: bringing new knowledge, experience and ideas into the personal concept and personal competence profile Made visible in the Portfolio

4. e-portfolio

5. Units

5.1. Unit 1: Educational Systems in Europe - a comparison (1 ECTS - Credit)

5.2. Unit 2: Educational Systems in Europe - Trends and Policies (1 ECTS - Credit)

5.3. Unit 3: Learning and Curriculum (1 ECTS - Credit)

5.4. Unit 4: School Concepts - Alternative Schools (1 ECTS- Credit)

5.5. Unit 5: Political and Systemic Aspects of School Reforms (1 ECTS - Credit)

5.6. Unit 6: Foreign Language Teaching and Methodology (1 ECTS - Credit)

5.7. Unit 7: Reflection and collaboration - Personal Concepts (1,5 ECTS - Credit)

6. Learning activities

6.1. Student’s concept on: - learning and teaching - school development - being a ‘good‘ professional

6.2. Learning by experiencing, sharing and discussing

6.3. Tasks: -subgroup study on CD alternative schools -visiting alternative schools -participating in conference -school practice -building an ideal school together