My PLE for teaching/learning English

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My PLE for teaching/learning English by Mind Map: My PLE for teaching/learning English

1. Blogger

2. Gmail

3. Gtalk

4. Ampliaciones

4.1. Glogster

4.2. PowerPoint

5. Skype

6. Organización

6.1. Google Keep

6.2. Google Calendar

7. Flipboard

8. Wordle

9. Buscadores

9.1. Google

9.2. Yahoo

10. Feedly

11. Repositorios

11.1. Google Docs

11.2. Skydrive

12. Presentaciones

12.1. Prezi

12.2. Slideshare

13. Google Translate

14. Google Goggles

15. Scoopit

16. Pinterest