Binge drinking

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Binge drinking by Mind Map: Binge drinking

1. Females

1.1. Vodka

1.2. Pre-mixed drinks

1.3. Champagne

1.4. loss of sexual inhabitions

1.5. young

2. Youth

2.1. Peer Pressure

2.2. Cool

2.3. High school

2.4. Binging regularly

3. Events

3.1. concerts

3.2. Festivals

3.3. Sporting

3.4. celebrations


4.1. normal youth behavior

4.2. 'nothing will happen to me'

4.3. 'im not doing any harm'

4.4. acceptance

4.5. expectance

4.6. fun

5. Males

5.1. Beer

5.2. Mates

5.3. expected behavior

5.4. Rum/bourbon/whiskey

5.5. young

5.6. Sports

6. Dangers

6.1. Drink driving

6.2. Health

6.2.1. long term

6.2.2. Short term

6.3. violence

6.4. loss of possessions

6.5. Injury

7. Sports

7.1. team mates

7.2. fan/events

7.3. clubs

7.4. Mad monday

8. Culture

8.1. Australia

8.2. Television

8.3. acceptance

8.4. youth