Contort (v)

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Contort (v) by Mind Map: Contort (v)

1. Synonyms

1.1. convolute

1.2. misshape

1.3. writhe

2. Antonyms

2.1. beautify

2.2. smooth

2.3. straighten

3. Examples

3.1. The girl can contort herself.

3.2. He can contort his arm.

4. Definition

4.1. To twist in a violent manner

4.2. To twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression

5. Other forms

5.1. Contortion (noun)

5.1.1. He was amused by the boys facial contortion as the shot went into his arm.

5.2. Contorted (adj.)

5.2.1. After basketball practice my body was so contorted that i couldn't stand up straight for awhile.