My ePortfolio

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My ePortfolio by Mind Map: My ePortfolio

1. Media

1.1. video

1.2. Photos

1.3. sound

1.4. documents

2. Documents

2.1. School work

2.2. mind meister map

3. contact

3.1. email

3.2. phone

4. Home

4.1. Information

4.2. Roles and responsabilities

4.2.1. Year council

4.2.2. School council

4.2.3. Creative Tallis ARG

5. Interests

5.1. Photography

5.1.1. wix

5.1.2. flickr

5.2. music

5.2.1. last fm

6. Links

6.1. wix

6.2. flickr

6.3. vuvox