English 9b1314

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English 9b1314 by Mind Map: English 9b1314

1. Organization

1.1. Homework

1.2. Classroom

1.3. Groupwork

1.4. Individual work

2. USA

2.1. Move your body

2.2. Both sides of the law

2.3. The Dream of America

2.4. Shadows of the past

2.5. In Vogue

2.6. The Commonwealth of Nations

3. Books and Media Ressources

3.1. Blog

3.2. Crossroads 9

3.2.1. tasks

3.2.2. texts

3.3. Film

3.4. Music

3.5. Internet

3.5.1. www.crossroads.gyldendal.dk

4. Evaluation

4.1. Exam

4.2. Blog activity

4.3. Media products