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Superheroes by Mind Map: Superheroes

1. Characteristics

1.1. courageous

1.2. brave

1.3. emotionally strong

1.4. helpful

1.5. generous

1.5.1. thinks of others before themselves or their loved ones

1.6. not always noble

1.6.1. desire for revenge/to right a wrong

1.7. values all lives

1.7.1. save innocent lives

1.7.2. attempt to save the evil villain (turn toward good)

1.8. heritage

1.8.1. aliens from other planets

1.8.2. biological mutation

1.8.3. powers are a result of an accident

2. Relationships

2.1. Love Interest

2.1.1. often complicated

2.1.2. loved ones in danger

2.2. sidekick or allies

2.2.1. trusted partners

2.2.2. see the hero at high and low points

2.3. the general public

2.3.1. loves the hero

2.3.2. hates the hero

3. Every-Day Heroes

3.1. soldiers

3.2. doctors/nurses

3.3. right-place, right-time heroes

4. Goals

4.1. triumph of good over evil (eventually)

4.2. save lives

5. Problems

5.1. Enemies

5.1.1. nemesis evil genius villain

5.2. weaknesses

5.2.1. tragic back-story

5.2.2. flaw Kryptonite

5.3. secret identity

6. Abilities and Attributes

6.1. resources

6.1.1. intelligence or education

6.1.2. personal wealth

6.2. the "look"

6.2.1. physically fit

6.2.2. tight suit

6.2.3. visible muscles

6.3. powers and abilities

6.3.1. flight

6.3.2. strength

6.3.3. lazer beams from eyes

6.3.4. deflect bullets

6.3.5. climb walls